Healthcare and The Supreme Court

Healthcare and The Supreme Court

Well, folks, here we are at last. The final debate over healthcare and who gets it and who doesn’t. That’s right, it’s time for the Big Showdown in the halls of supreme justice as people we’ve never met are arguing in front of the Divine Nine...
Joe Wilson Hero or Goat?

Joe Wilson Hero or Goat?

Well, in the wake of President Obama’s speech to the congress (oh, and the public) the big buzz is about the heckler in the crowd. Was it a show-throwing maniac? Nope. Was it nazi sign toters at a town hall meeting? Nope. It was none other than a member of...
Sean Hannity Forums Are A Joke

Sean Hannity Forums Are A Joke

Wanting to discuss some of the political topics I wandered over the site and joined the forums. There were lots of topics and categories but what most interested me was the Washington Politics forum that had discussions about many of the current hot...