Well, in the wake of President Obama’s speech to the congress (oh, and the public) the big buzz is about the heckler in the crowd. Was it a show-throwing maniac? Nope. Was it nazi sign toters at a town hall meeting? Nope. It was none other than a member of congress, Rep. Joe Wilson of S.C., who razzed Obama at the point in his speech about the proposed health care plan covering illegal aliens, which Obama decalred was totally false.Wilson shouted “You lie!” when Obama stated he had never proposed health care for illegals. The speech was paused for a brief moment while Obama gave Wilson the staredown tactic, then resumed.
Later, Wilson apologized for the action but remained steadfast in his statements that Obama had lied about the earlier discussions of illegal aliens being covered in the government’s plan for health care.
Wilson’s outburst, however, lives on and is a repeated soundbyte for all the news media. So, the question is, was Wilson a hero? Or, a goat?
When trying to visit Wilson’s website we were presented with this: